
Plantação de Legumes na Cozinha | Kitchen Nano Garden

Gostava de ter a sua produção de legumes, mas vive num apartamento? Bem, a solução já foi inventada.
O Nano Jardim da Hyundai é a opção para quem quer cultivar os seus vegetais orgânicos, sem recurso a pesticidas ou fertilizantes.
Em vez do recurso à luz solar, é utilizada luz artificial e todos os nutrientes são controlados automaticamente.

(c) Bornrich.org


Want to grow your own vegetable garden even if you don’t live in a mansion? Hyundai’s Kitchen Nano Garden is the solution for space-conscious home owners. The nano garden is a vegetable garden for the apartment kitchen, using hydroponics rather than pesticides or fertilizers to let you grow your organic food right in your kitchen. Instead of the sunlight, the Nano Garden has lighting which promotes the growth of plants. The amount of light, water and nutrient supply is also controllable, so users can decide the growth speed. It also lets users know when to provide water or nutrients to the plants, and functions as a natural air purifier, eliminating unpleasant smells. The nano garden is a bronze winner at the Fast Company 2010 Idea awards in the category of commercial and industrial product.

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