
Uma Maçã por Dia / An Apple a Day

Todos sabemos que devemos comer fruta, nomeadamente maçãs. É saudável.
Foi isso que pensou a agência publicitária alemã Serviceplan quando criou um calendário para a AOK, uma seguradora na área da saúde.

Todos os meses enche-se de maçãs o tubo correspondente ao mês. O dia certo só será revelado assim que a maçã seja retirada.

É uma ideia bem original e que transmite a mensagem adequada à instituição a que se aplica. Pena que este calendário não esteja à venda; apenas pode ser visto nas delegações da AOK, mas ficava bem na minha cozinha.

(c) Serviceplan via TrendsNow


The advertising agency Serviceplan created an apple a day calendar for AOK health insurance company.
It is a very original idea and the message behind it matches perfectly the purpose of the company.

Unfortunately this is not for sale and can only be seen at AOK branches.
It would be lovely to have one in my kitchen...

"Create a calendar that will make a long-lasting impression of the AOK as not just any health insurance provider, but as a “healthy” health insurance provider. This is because the AOK’s main goal is keeping customers healthy. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” They brought this saying to life in a very attractive and tangible way: The month begins with 31 apples in a specialised tube made out of UVA- and UVB-resistant Plexiglas. Every day you remove one apple from the tube and eat it, thus giving a boost to your health. The rest of the apples in the tube will move up and reveal today’s date on a calendar fastened behind the apples. At the end of the month the tube is refilled with 31, 30 or 28 apples, and the monthly calendar behind the tube is simply replaced. The calendars hung in AOK branch offices, attracting a lot of attention and getting extremely positive reactions."

Credits and copyright Serviceplan

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